Now you can get your hands on genuine Power Plant Trading Cards from Industcards. They’re the most exciting thing to hit card collectors since…oh, four-color printing. Made right here in the good old USA by Ultra Graphics in Columbus, NE, you can get your favorite power plants and hydroelectric dams, with all the outstanding highlights for each one on the back of every card. Leaf and Topps don’t even come close to trading cards like these! Not since the heady days of “Rails & Sails” has there been a collectible like Industcards.
Your friends will throw up all over their Florsheims when you show off your PP207, the “Fayette Power Project” near Lagrange, TX – a real stunner that will only gain in value as your collection grows. It’s a terrific shot (see above) of this 1,605-megawatt, coal-fired steam-electric plant that burns sub-bituminous coal from the Powder River Basin! Riveting details on the reverse side not only include the owners’ names, but the architects and engineers, and the boiler supplier too.
Add to your collection with cards showing units from all over the US (like “Grand Coulee” and “Indian River”) as well as some of the great power-producing facilities of the world. Don’t miss the stunning “Sayano-Shusenskaya Hydro” dam in Russia. Collect entire series – if you can find ‘em – like the unique Orion Power Holdings set; or the US Nuclear Fleet cards that include both “Brown’s Ferry” in Alabama and California’s famous “Diablo Canyon.” Wow!
Get your first set of cards absolutely FREE! Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope (41¢ stamp) to Industcards, 5605 Bent Brand Road, Bethesda, MD 20816 today.
But hurry! Supplies are limited and you don’t want to wait ‘til these beauties show up on eBay for twice or three times the price. Start your collection today.
NOTE: Despite Internet rumors, my sponsored ten-card series, featuring coal-fired generating stations with boilers and other equipment supplied by Japan's Babcock-Hitachi KK, is not for sale. Yep – this is the set that has the notorious “Tarong” error in it. Eat your heart out, Joel.