This is the first night of Hanukkah, during which we celebrate a successful rebellion. (Another curious fact, in this day and time.) A small, outnumbered band of Jews waged battle against the armies of the Seleucid Greeks, and drove them out of the Land of Israel.
When the Jews reclaimed the Temple in Jerusalem, they wanted to re-light the Temple’s menorah, but the priests discovered that the Greeks had contaminated almost all the oil. There was just enough pure oil to last one night – and it would take eight days to produce new, pure oil.
Miraculously, the one-day supply of oil lasted eight days and nights. The holiday of Hanukkah was established. So we commemorate and publicize this miracle by lighting our own menorahs on each of the eight nights of Hanukkah – adding another candle every evening.
On the other hand, what if one of the younger Jewish insurgents came running into the Temple back in 166 BC, crying out to the Levites, “Wait! I just got this FedEx from Mama in Brooklyn!”
In one hand, he’s waving this Disney fire truck menorah; in the other is a box of Hanukkah candles from the Discount Candle Shop. “We can use these until the oil is ready.” History could have been changed at that very moment – the miracle would have been getting anything FedEx’d to Israel in time for Hanukkah. That’d be truckin’.
Tonight’s the beginning, whatever menorah you use. I wish you all hag orim same'ah. Happy Feast of Lights! Happy Hanukkah!
Or, if you prefer, "Happy Truckin' Hanukkah!"
Howdy!! Just a short note to let you know I enjoyed your blog immensely. Read two posts, ordered two packages of wedges, and then read the rest.
Hope you and yours are well. A happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas to all of you in Houston from the Murphy’s. This is just a short to break the lessen the monotony of responding to a insurance audit. We will call some time between now and Christmas to see how all of you are doing!!!
Thank you! BTW, there’s a mohel here in Montreal who’s so good, he could circumcise Mickey Mouse – even at 78 – the mouse, not the mohel.
Dear Richard: Thanks for Hanouka wishes. I return the wishes to you, Barbara and all the family. I will look at the blog.
I will be away to Lithuania to present the lithuanian version of my book from December 10th to 19th where I will present it in Vilnius, Kaunas and Butrimonis the sthtel of our great grand-father, Hirsch Wolf Meierovitch.
Warmest regards...
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