It was a full house, livened by people we knew: Hugh McDonnold had two paintings selected; the aforementioned John Adelman; Garland Fielder, Larry McEntire, Howard Sherman, Frances Thiel and many more; way more we did not know at all of course.
I thought two Allen Rodewald pieces were particularly fine – similar to the one pictured above. In fact, I thought this year the Show demonstrated a higher level of technical accomplishment overall. Still, with such a crowd, such an array of art, there’s no doubt that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It’s not comprehensively eye-popping (though some pieces are). It is a damned good overview of the state of art in Houston. I suggest a visit to 4912 Main Street. Then out for a couple of drinks to absorb the images. We did; used a 2006 Argentine Malbec for this purpose. No advertising - lovely evening.
Painting: “White Black,” acrylic on canvas, 42” x 68” – Expressive Design Studios.
The wine rec at the end of your post was a great touch. I recommend a trip to 13 Degrees Celicius. It's on Caroline in Midtown.
Thanks for the heads-up, Richard --
We attended the preview party on Thursday evening, which was a nice low-keyed event, in part because two of the artists whom we represent are in the show -- Carol Scott (orange cardboard uber political piece) and Kamila Szczesna (drawing on DNA sequencing film in a light box) -- we also know Christine West well from her days here on the Island with the Galveston Arts Center -- and think the world of her and Ramon, her husband -- Hope you both are well -- and surviving this heat -- Best regards
My Hugh McDonnald painting is the best one. Richard, yours is right nice also ;^)
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