I had this made for me – really, I asked Barbara Nytes-Baron to make it for me because she can sew and I cannot. To start with, I’d wanted to get away from run-of-the-mill tropical prints. It’s a good thing I found this interesting fabric at Ikea…reminded me of lava lamps.
The not so good thing: It’s an upholstery fabric, which means it is quite a bit heavier than shirting. Still, Barbara had the sewing pattern and the patience – that’s how we came to invent this shout-it-out cold-weather camp shirt.
The fabric was created by a Swedish fabric designer, Cilla Ramnek. She’s said she doesn’t see any conflict between design, craft and art; but then, maybe she hasn’t found out yet what one of her fabrics has been turned into…not my own line of tropical wearables per se but an adventurous addition to the celebrated Baron collection of bold, bright tropical shirts. (I’m ready for my close-up, Mr DeMille.)
No brands were hurt during the production of this winter/tropical camp shirt. Eat your hearts out, Mad Gringo and Hilo Hattie.
And if designer Ramnek throws up her hands and swears off fabric art forever, well, I’m heartily sorry. This shirt IMO makes a statement and it is not “Attention – this guy needs taste replacement surgery stat!” Be sure to look for us on the runway in NYC next Fashion Week…La Guardia 31.

It's a wonderful shirt, Richard. I once made a maternity dress from a drapery fabric and it was quite beautiful. Unfortunately the fiberglass was too uncomfortable to allow actually wearing the dress.
Wearing a sofa, are you? Nice look nonetheless.
I love it, Richard! Kudos to Barbara for her creativity and "know-how." You are set for the season.
Will I see that in person Friday night?
Maybe the latter. Even so, pretty snazzy. Somehow I can't picture Magnum PI cruising the Ferrari in one. More of a "I've been drinking all day and you're getting fuzzy" shirt.
Kudos to Barbara Scarlett O' Baron.
Quite the nice post Richard. Creating your own art these days.
Loved the blog entry about your Hawaiian shirt – reminds me of some of the ties you used to wear!
It's awesome, I love to see my designs in new contexts!
all best
Cilla Ramnek
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