With the passing of the Western Union telegram, a great joke passes too. With all the fondness I can muster, here is that joke:
A Western Union delivery man rings the door bell to deliver his next telegram. An elderly woman in a worn housedress answers the door, and the delivery man says, “Telegram for you, ma’am.”
The old woman exclaims, “Oh, how lovely! Is it a singing telegram? I've always wanted to get one of these.” The delivery man replies, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but this isn’t a singing telegram. It’s just a regular telegram.” The woman is visibly disappointed.
She sighs and – with tears in her eyes – says, “Couldn't you sing it to me anyway? I’m 91 years old and this may be my last chance to get a singing telegram!”
The Western Union courier is now obviously uncomfortable and says, “No ma’am, really, it’s not the kind of telegram you sing, and I don't sing very well anyway.”
The woman pleads and pleads with him: “I’m an old woman - please, please sing me the telegram…”
The delivery man finally gives in. Throwing back his head and holding the telegram in front of him with a flourish, he sings, “Da-da-de-dum-dum-DUM, Your sister Rose is dead...”
Stanley Ireland’s telegram to his wife, dated April 16, 1945, is from the South Dakota Photo Archive, with thanks.
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